Other Injuries

Aside from auto accidents and maritime injuries, some of the other personal injury scenarios we can help with are listed below. If you were hurt because of another person or a company’s negligence, give us a call to set up a free consultation so we can show you how we can help you.

Workplace Injuries – If you were hurt on the job and you don’t work in a maritime trade, your first recourse will often be through workers’ compensation. You can generally recover workers’ compensation from your employer’s workers’ comp insurer regardless of who was at fault for your injury. We can help you to find a workers’ compensation attorney to get you through the administrative process of bringing your workers’ compensation claim. Generally, you cannot bring a personal injury lawsuit against your employer for a workplace injury. If, however, someone besides your employer caused your injury, you can bring a personal injury lawsuit against them. The most common scenario we encounter of this is that a separate contractor on the same jobsite causes a worker’s injury.

Premises Liability – Whether they are a landlord, a store or restaurant owner, or whoever, a person or company who allows you onto their property or into their building owes you a reasonably safe place to be in. If you were hurt because someone else’s space was unreasonably dangerous, or their employees were negligent, we can help you.

Products Liability – A company that sells you a product has an obligation to ensure the product is reasonably safe for its intended uses. If you were hurt because a company sold you an unreasonably dangerous product, we can help you.

Dog bites – Pet owners are required to take reasonable precautions to ensure their pets don’t hurt others. If you were hurt by someone else’s pet, we can help you.